Saturday 16 September 2017

In about 10 hours or so, all will be good…

In 10 hours or so, my home universe will be quiet. I will have the house to myself, and an opportunity to play for 2 weeks. I hope to be able to play - now that I’ve been allowed to host for 2 weeks_ Ligia:I am not attracted to him and I find myself making up [...]

I didn't buy him expensive shoes but I did give him $10 for doing so well in school.
(14 September 2017)

If she wants new shoes like that then she needs to earn straight A's like her older brother did.
(14 September 2017)

Guy I like in my class, how do I get him to notice me??
(14 September 2017)

But I dint have any other classes with him but I wanna talk and be friends.
(14 September 2017)

But I think he likes me because he always looks over at me and then I look over and laugh kinda lol I'm in high school.
(14 September 2017)

So there is a guy I like in my Spanish class, I like him but we can't choose our seats we have assigned seats so I can't sit by him.
(14 September 2017)

I feel like if she's not gonna respect that I'm not comfortable with it then I shouldn't be in a relationship with her.
(14 September 2017)

Then when I get upset about it I'm the bad guy.
(14 September 2017)

My girlfriend likes to hang with her ex and I told her I'm not comfortable with it but she does it anyway.
(14 September 2017)

Everyone gets sick and goes to the hospital.
(14 September 2017)

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