Friday 1 September 2017

Let’s Get Dirty!

[image]I so love playing in the dirt out back. I’ve never really tried to grow anything before, except a flower or two, but now that I’m taking care of parents and needing a bit of ‘taking care’ of my_ Jamila:How do I get into another friend group?(1 September 2017) Jamila:They’re pretty tight and aren’t the type of [...]

Ive discovered messages that he claims his ex faked to be spiteful but he used the excuse of me getting very drunk a few days back to break up with me?
(30 August 2017)

He just ignores me and i don't know what more i can do.
(30 August 2017)

Im so lonely i invite hookers just to talkt to them?
(30 August 2017)

I just talk to them and want them to hive me advices on life ya know.
(30 August 2017)

I pay them just as much as of i was a regular customer.
(30 August 2017)

How am i gonna let this guy know i like him?
(30 August 2017)

Rating 1-10?
(30 August 2017)

So a friend of mine would like to know her rating from when she was younger. (1-10) She's curious and wants an unbiased answer from guys today.
(30 August 2017)

My cousin is disliked by everyone but my sister is not. My sister is a mean person and my cousin perfectly nice just slow. Why might this be?
(30 August 2017)

The cousin's parents are NOT at all popular whereas my parents are.
(30 August 2017)

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