Friday 15 September 2017


The weather here has been amazing.Yesterday was a no jacket, jeans or shorts and a tank top kind of day and more weather like that expected for the next few days.It is not time yet to store away the w_ Carmen:The next day they ditched me at lunch, she told me where we were gonna meet [...]

She pleasured me with it while I did the same with one of her toys.. does this mean she wants us to be swingers?
(13 September 2017)

Should I be worried about my girlfriend spending habits?
(13 September 2017)

Now she's getting mad at me telling me she doesn't need to be in a relationship.
(13 September 2017)

I just don't understand so I question her about it and told her how is she ever going to save money if she keeps spending like that?
(13 September 2017)

So I just noticed she spent $60 at Lowe's on a bunch of plants for her place?
(13 September 2017)

It got so bad she had to cancel her internet and cable, she had to borrow money from me which she did pay back, and she had to get on food stamps.
(13 September 2017)

So I ended up trying to help her, and she just refuses to understand how to save money and understand how money Works after me trying to tell her for a year.
(13 September 2017)

Then came the money woes in which affected our relationship and she would always be complaining about money and stressed out about not having enough.
(13 September 2017)

I generally didn't criticize her because I figured it was none of my business.
(13 September 2017)

I've been with my current girlfriend for 4 years and I watched her blow through all her alimony and spend foolishly.
(13 September 2017)

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