Thursday 14 September 2017

Upsize ?! Hmmmmm

Saw this interesting post by a friend, decided to share with more………. The age old question, does size matter , well I guess it about matching and it about usage, so posting of long n big one bef_ Denisha:I’m a huge fan of ABBA, and I was just wondering, out of curiosity, how I could actually [...]

Don't know if she did this by coincidence or was she trying to have eye contact?
(12 September 2017)

She looked behind her for a couple of times and I got the impression she wanted to look at me, but I was kind of shy and looked somewhere else when she looked behind her.
(12 September 2017)

I went to Gamestop and there was a girl about the same age as me in front of me with her father.
(12 September 2017)

Why does my ex's brother look at my Instagram stories?
(12 September 2017)

He was somewhat involved in our breakup, since... they are best friends basically (my ex had friends, but not close friends)... I eliminated him and his wife from Facebook and unfollowed them on Instagram, but they still follow me.
(12 September 2017)

Does any one now her name?
(12 September 2017)

What to think of someone who brags about something like someone I know?
(12 September 2017)

This person also thinks she can cook or bake anything even though she never tries to make anything other than what she knows what to make.
(12 September 2017)

When I mention that I can run up to 2 to 6 miles, dismisses what I can do again.
(12 September 2017)

There's a person I know, who will brag about how much she can walk on the treadmill BUT wen I mention to her how I can run up to 32 to 35 minutes straight on the treadmill, she automatically dismisses me running on the treadmill.
(12 September 2017)

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