Wednesday 20 September 2017

Viewing Profiles

I’m not sure how Meelp is set up but it appears profiles are viewed at first glance (when you go to the home page and whoever is online). If I have an interest in you, I will add you to my hot-lis_ Inocencia:I think she likes me and I want to take it to the next [...]

She enjoys to kill my self esteem many times That was just one example... What should i do?
(18 September 2017)

I lied about my age in my course, and they wrote a paper with my fake age!?
(18 September 2017)

I even told him that they won't need this paper, but he is confident about calling my teacher tomorrow.
(18 September 2017)

BTW: My dad wants to confirm it because I'm going into an international test organized in my country to give away (we call them burses I don't know what that is in english) that you can go to US or England to study.
(18 September 2017)

I know the best option is to come through, but I don't want to do that.
(18 September 2017)

And if he does he will say that I told him my birthday was 2002, and they will not believe me anymore I don't want that to happen.
(18 September 2017)

And they believed me first, but my dad wants to call my teacher to ask what's up.
(18 September 2017)

Well here's the thing, in my English course every month I used to get asked about my age from the teacher (to write stuff in diary) and I told him my birthdate.
(18 September 2017)

I know I shouldn't have but it's too late now.
(18 September 2017)

It isn't something that was ever planned on.
(18 September 2017)

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