Saturday 14 October 2017


Who is serious about fun ?_ Malka:We stayed that way until my seventeenth birthday.(12 October 2017) Malka:At the time, the two of us were nine and very close.(12 October 2017) Malka:We met each other one an online chat roughly 8 years ago.(12 October 2017) Kyong:They’re the best makeup for their legs that makes me want to fondle them.(12 October [...]

He asked if I had a bf then said I was cute.
(12 October 2017)

He texted me on the weekend commenting heart eyes under my Snapchat.
(12 October 2017)

A like he sits right in front of me and he always extends his arm just so we can touch hands and hold it for like 1 second.
(12 October 2017)

I love him a lot, but I don t think I can stay with someone hearing this, as this breaks my heart.
(12 October 2017)

He tells my his ex is better than I am- sexually and everything.
(12 October 2017)

I have been dating my boyfriend for a little over than a year.
(12 October 2017)

My friend has a crush on a guy I was with, and he does not like her?
(12 October 2017)

I don't really understand what her priorities are.
(12 October 2017)

If he spent the weekend with me, and he clearly said he isn't into her like that, then she is just going to come off desperate isn't she?
(12 October 2017)

Now, I blocked her on everything, and she likes all of his photos and probably gossips about me.
(12 October 2017)

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