Thursday 19 October 2017

I Don’t…I Do

I DON’T… Want my pussy beat up, banged up, chewed up, spanked, pounded or grinded into the ground.Want to be so sore I cannot walk or pee without pain from scratches, bites or raw skin.Want my bod_ Gina:We talk until she goes to bed as well.(17 October 2017) Gina:Yet she’s always asking me about my day, and [...]

I realize that he and I are in completely different stages of life and an eight year age gap seems huge at our ages but I really like him, and it's pretty obvious he likes me back.
(16 October 2017)

We have such a strong connection and I have never felt this was about anyone before, I feel as though we were meant to be together, whether it be now or in the future.
(16 October 2017)

So I'm 17 and there's this guy I know who's 25 and he is the male version of me.
(16 October 2017)

Husband keeps his interaction with his ex wife secret?
(16 October 2017)

Which is the coolest name?
(16 October 2017)

I don't want any girl friends, they are all catty?
(16 October 2017)

I would really rather have no friends than deal with people who are passive aggressive?
(16 October 2017)

Even my older sister gets jealous of my accomplishments, and a guy told me I was the hotter sister.
(16 October 2017)

They will do things like ignore my texts or look me up and down.
(16 October 2017)

Whenever I sleep with a guy and he spends a lot of money on me, my girl friends have gotten aggressive with me and point out my irresponsibility, but don't do it at other times.
(16 October 2017)

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