Thursday 19 October 2017

I Don’t…I Do

I DON’T… Want my pussy beat up, banged up, chewed up, spanked, pounded or grinded into the ground.Want to be so sore I cannot walk or pee without pain from scratches, bites or raw skin.Want my bod_ Gina:We talk until she goes to bed as well.(17 October 2017) Gina:Yet she’s always asking me about my day, and [...]

My friends started and rumor that we were having sex and yes I have dumped them.
(16 October 2017)

So my brother was leaving to go to my Grandpa's house and my friends were staying over and as he was leaving he kissed me on the cheek and left.
(16 October 2017)

My brother and I are 14 and we are both twins.
(16 October 2017)

Why would this man online say we are friends but he kept calling me the n-word and criticizing my religion?
(16 October 2017)

Opinions, life advice?
(16 October 2017)

I would like your opinion on this. 10 points if it's thorough.
(16 October 2017)

My gut tells me she has feelings for me and sees something in me she doesn't in him.
(16 October 2017)

She talks about me with her friends a lot and her friend reports everything I do or say to her.
(16 October 2017)

I had seen her stare at me multiple times, she blushes talking to me.
(16 October 2017)

I fooled around by staring at other girls she told me to stop but not in a sweet way.
(16 October 2017)

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