Sunday 1 October 2017

Introduction - The Sequel

First off I have to say that the process of creating this little spot to drop my mental garbage was a pain in the ass. I realize that I am a little older and that my 20 year old could have probably do_ Lucy:Does prenatal vitamins boost energy levels?(1 October 2017) Lucy:My friends are dying that its [...]

My gut feeling tells me something isnt right.
(29 September 2017)

I think he is in love with one of the gold diggers.
(29 September 2017)

If my mom knew she would kill him and me.
(29 September 2017)

They have nothing better to do than to invite him over every day of his trip when hes really here to see hia daughter and spend time w his grand daughters.
(29 September 2017)

He has been seeing them everyday and i faught with him many times about how its wrong and they are after his $$ of which he barely has.
(29 September 2017)

Anyhoo i now live in this country and he is visiting me.
(29 September 2017)

This country of origin is a 3rd world country so any one coming from the USA or europe is automatically considered super rich.
(29 September 2017)

He met these people a few years back in a foreign country which is really his country of origin.
(29 September 2017)

I want to end it im 12 how to?
(29 September 2017)

My boyfriend is mad and is ignoring me because I got annoyed that he changed MY snapchat password, did I overreact?
(29 September 2017)

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