Tuesday 10 October 2017

It is good to be me

Hello single females and couples. I will make an effort to update this blog every now and then. I hope my spanglish does not get in the way, at least not too bad. I never managed a blog before so I ho_ Sally:In fact she insists she is just my friend and even has mentioned she [...]

After almost a week I was washing his private parts and he asked me straight out if I could masturbate him.
(8 October 2017)

When bathing him he became erect which I told him not to be embarrassed about.
(8 October 2017)

As a result of his injuries both his arms are in plaster.
(8 October 2017)

I was asigned to care for a 19 year old guy who had been involved in a serious accident.
(8 October 2017)

I'm a 22 year old male Nurse who started working at a large Hispital 3 months ago.
(8 October 2017)

But my ex came to me and was telling me he wants me back and he told me about all the changes we was gonna make and how he'll be better than he was and I ended up saying yes in the moment.
(8 October 2017)

So my ex and I broke up and a month later I met this nice guy and we've been talking for 3 months we have sex and everything.
(8 October 2017)

I tried to steal my neighbour's car?
(8 October 2017)

I deserve my fair share, why does he think it's okay to steal from me?
(8 October 2017)

I wanted to make money to pay my medical bills but he locked the door.
(8 October 2017)

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