Monday 23 October 2017

Red Flags!

Reading profiles is pretty instructive. It often doesn’t take long before I find the red flags. Here are some that often come up, along with an explanation for each:1) Serious lack of grammar–sugge_ Terry:I feel really guilty after getting intimate with my girlfriend and really don’t know why?(22 October 2017) Terry:It eats me up honestly maybe it [...]

Hear about this bad thing people are coming out and talking about and I got worried, what if it happened to her?
(20 October 2017)

Kinda hurts now but fast forward few months.
(20 October 2017)

So long story short we were really nice friends and ended up told her I loved her then she blocked me.
(20 October 2017)

Should it be a kid's responsibly to pick up a drunk parent?
(20 October 2017)

Should it be my responsibility, a 17 year old, to pick up my drunk parent from the bar?
(20 October 2017)

Every night I help my mom put on her oxygen, yet she denies this to professionals and my sister. How should I proceed?
(20 October 2017)

How to talk to a sorta crush?
(20 October 2017)

Even, it's not for a crush reason he seems like a nice guy and someone I would wanna hang out with just in general.
(20 October 2017)

I am just not so romantically inclined, I almost never get actual crushes so the fact I have one it's rare and I don't wanna mess it up.
(20 October 2017)

Furthermore, I have like three classes with him and we sit kinda close but not close enough to talk you know.
(20 October 2017)

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