Sunday 1 October 2017

The Office girl

At an office I worked at once, one of the girls was very nice and I had been a bit Coe to ask her out. I asked one of the guys in the shop if she had a boyfriend. ‘No not at the moment”, so I thou_ Junita:I feel like I can’t find anybody and not [...]

I chose not to go but partly regret it.
(28 September 2017)

I also have my own life here and horrible memories from my mom.
(28 September 2017)

Here I moved far away and do not have internet yet and am broke but get by.
(28 September 2017)

Its not as easy living away from home but I have freedom to be an adukt and make my own daily choices . if I had house sat I could have had internet, some extra money and a place to myself in the city.
(28 September 2017)

I fekt like it was a trick or a trap.
(28 September 2017)

Yet when I moved out she came up with all these promises and gift offers if I came back to house sit.
(28 September 2017)

Even then she would pull the plug on me literally and raise hell threaten me hit me, scream at me, destroy my stuff ect.
(28 September 2017)

She keep clinging onto me on the phone w drama from her place asking for help yet she never helped me get my life going unless it was on her terms.
(28 September 2017)

My mom and I dont get along and shexwas physically and emotionally abusive to me my whole life and very controlling and hated me for being like my dad.
(28 September 2017)

So basicly I moved out last year and been on my own.
(28 September 2017)

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