Thursday 12 October 2017

Well that was fun….

So the whole “non-event” snow storm…. Yeah it wasn’t…Er.. was… An event…Damn it, that’s confusing.So I wake up to pee at 3 am… sorry TMI right? … anyway, so I decide to sneak a peek…I lo_ Debora:I used to wear a size 5 in pants and I am now a size 13. I ve seen women [...]

Dating a guy?
(9 October 2017)

So, why does it matter to him if I had sex with another guy and we're not a committed relationship we obligate to do anything you want to do?
(9 October 2017)

When we first met we never had sex so this is new to me and him.
(9 October 2017)

This is my first time really having sex with each other.
(9 October 2017)

He was telling me that we could have been together if you didn't get back with your ex and that argument we had.
(9 October 2017)

We been knowing each other for a while now about a year we stop talking because I got back with my ex ex-boyfriend and we got into an argument so that's why we stopped talking.
(9 October 2017)

He talks to other girls I'll talk to other guys.
(9 October 2017)

But he asked me ig having sex with anybody else and I was like No....And he was like you better not but why does it matter to him and we're not together as a official relationship?
(9 October 2017)

We both just having sex with each other.
(9 October 2017)

We are dating but not having sex with no no one else.
(9 October 2017)

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