Thursday 12 October 2017

You’re Never Too Old…

You’re never too old to throw random shit into people’s shopping carts, when they are not looking!!!_ Velvet:We have joint custody but currently are doing 5 days then 2 days.(10 October 2017) Hannah:He said he wouldn’t allow himself to have feelings but if this were the case and if it were me i wouldn’t even look at [...]

He is in the army and currently at a base, so we won't be able to meet until he's home for Christmas.
(10 October 2017)

Long story short, I've been talking to a guy for over a month now who I really like talking to.
(10 October 2017)

I'm very cautious about it because I know most guys just want a hookup.
(10 October 2017)

After having no luck with people I've met myself or through friends, I thought I'd give the online dating thing a try.
(10 October 2017)

I am constantly getting lead on and finding guys who don't want a commitment.
(10 October 2017)

I'm almost 21 years old and have never been in a relationship.
(10 October 2017)

I want her in my life do you think it's wrong for me?
(10 October 2017)

I really care about this girl but it's tough.
(10 October 2017)

I wanna make plans with her to hang out but I'm afraid I'll just start wishing I was dating her or I'll be afraid that she will say no.
(10 October 2017)

She just started talking to some other guy and I'm a bit hurt but there's nothing I can do about it obviously I haven't hung out with her in about a month and we only talk if I text her and she's not even a big texter.
(10 October 2017)

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