Wednesday 15 November 2017

And how was your day

Good evening, I hope this finds you with that secret smile on your face.This is not what I was going to blog on, but it was too good to pass on.I had the following 2 memorable moments today.The first_ Gayle:Would you marry a black woman?(13 November 2017) Hang:Engage a detective or not?(13 November 2017) Hang:Should I think with [...]

How can I get him to be more in depth with what hes doing and how he feels?
(12 November 2017)

We've talked about his interest and personal favorites, and ive and old him a bit about myself, but what can I text him and conversation off of that will make us closer?
(12 November 2017)

I really like this guy and at the moment he see's me as a friend, but I'm looking to somehow gain his interest. over text, our conversations seem to be one sided in which usually I'm the one to be talking.
(12 November 2017)

Where do black girls like to go on dates?
(12 November 2017)

I'm a white guy and going on a first date with my black crush.
(12 November 2017)

I want to beat up my brother and I need a reason not to?
(12 November 2017)

I want to beat him up and I think I can but I really need someone to talk me out of it.
(12 November 2017)

My 16 year old brother mocks me and makes fun of my tics even when my parents have explained to him what tourettes is he still does it, he also hits me.
(12 November 2017)

Im 14 years old and have tourettes syndrome.
(12 November 2017)

Do you like guys with more hair or less?
(12 November 2017)

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