Wednesday 8 November 2017

Chocolate for white why not?

Why not have your cake & eat it too. I like vanilla myself…\8_ Michaela:So what I did was I emailed the prof right away asking if my assignments that did not have feedback yet whether met expectations.(5 November 2017) Michaela:The prof had emailed the whole class that we have to submit all outstanding assignments before Nov 3 [...]

20 years old but only like guys who are older?
(6 November 2017)

And would guys in this age range feel weirded out by a 20 year old girl being interested in them?
(6 November 2017)

I've always found an age gap to be attractive... Is this weird?
(6 November 2017)

They have to be between 24-35 for me to be interested.
(6 November 2017)

I don't like guys my age or even a year younger.
(6 November 2017)

Guys does that mean he does not want me?
(6 November 2017)

Is it true white males tend to have smaller d-cks and smaller IQs?
(6 November 2017)

So it isn't just their ugly pasty skin.... They're just made like garbage.
(6 November 2017)

Why are all white males pedophiles that rape their dogs?
(6 November 2017)

Or is it the same genetic mutation that makes their skin looks like it's crawling with maggots.
(6 November 2017)

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