Friday 3 November 2017

D’s last visit to the dungeon

I got a call from D who has been featured in my blog before. She is in a new vanilla relationship that is getting serious and wanted to have a last kinky fling before moving on. She came over to the_ Hang:School finished for the year yesterday and the girl I like wasent their we have [...]

MY ANSWER: tell them the truth like you told us. that you don't have the money but will fix the problem. this is good if you are honest. it paves the way with other things when it comes to their daughter.
(1 November 2017)

Is it OK to try and fix it on my own?
(1 November 2017)

I figure if I can clean it myself, then it will be allot easier to face them.
(1 November 2017)

I'm considering cleaning it myself with cleaners, and if it works than I will have solved the problem on my own.
(1 November 2017)

I would try and work something out with her parents.
(1 November 2017)

Honestly, I'm not sure I can afford a professional cleaning.
(1 November 2017)

I still wanna come clean, but recently ran into some money troubles.
(1 November 2017)

I feel terrible, and wanna come clean and pay.
(1 November 2017)

I found out that my car is leaking oil, and it has made some spots on her parents driveway.
(1 November 2017)

I've been dating my gf for four months, and everything is going great.
(1 November 2017)

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