Saturday 11 November 2017

High Heels Were Originally Made for Men

[image]_ Sharyl:My girlfriend is, on paper, the perfect girlfriend - very thoughtful and supportive.(9 November 2017) Sharyl:I’m 28. We are due to move in together in a couple of months time and so this is becoming a bigger issue on my mind.(9 November 2017) Eddie:Good places to meet guys if you’re not into the bar scene?(9 November 2017) Eddie:I [...]

I go to Al Anon and decided to be home for Christmas when there will be lots of other people there but travel for Thanksgiving.
(9 November 2017)

I also feel guilt like I somehow should feel shame for her drinking.
(9 November 2017)

My Mom is an alcoholic and I am nervous when she is drunk cause it gives me flashbacks to when I was a teen and living at home.
(9 November 2017)

I hate it when a parent or other family member is mad at me.
(9 November 2017)

My narcissistic sister is turning on me and my aunt who is a narcissist is mad I posted a Facebook photo of her enemy sister. What do I do?
(9 November 2017)

My aunt is especially scary cause she controls what my grandmother thinks of people so if she dislikes me my grandmother will dislike me.
(9 November 2017)

I can't cut them out of my life or I'll never see the rest of the family again.
(9 November 2017)

The narcissists are after me, I am so scared.
(9 November 2017)

My one and half year old boy wants nothing but milk. I become very anxious when he refuses food. I started weaning when he was 10 months old?
(9 November 2017)

Sometes he is ready to try new foods when he is outside but at home he doesn t want anything to eat.
(9 November 2017)

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