Monday 27 November 2017

HNW…. Uniform….

Hi Y’all….Miss me?I missed you.I won’t go into details too much about my de-activation yesterday so that it doesn’t happen again.We’ll leave it at that.So the theme for today’s H_ Delphine:Anyways, I just want to know if he has real feelings for me.(26 November 2017) Delphine:He was really sweet about it and didn’t pressure me or anything.(26 [...]

But even then, it still throws me into anxiety attacks because I just don't really like it, but I love him and I don't want to control him.
(24 November 2017)

He knows I am uncomfortable with him drinking alcohol and smoking weed even if it is on occasion, but we made a pact that he should at least call or text me to let me know that he is and that he is okay.
(24 November 2017)

My family has had bad experiences with alcohol and it has somewhat traumatized me.
(24 November 2017)

I know it might sound stupid, but to keep it short and simple, we are both 18, I have never tried alcohol before in my life and my boyfriend drinks occasionally.
(24 November 2017)

How to convince boyfriend to let me wear makeup for him on dates?
(24 November 2017)

He doesn't like it because he doesn't want other guys seeing me like that.
(24 November 2017)

What are the rights when you get discriminated on a side job you are doijng?
(24 November 2017)

How do I respect myself more when It comes to guys?
(24 November 2017)

How can I learn to respect myself more?
(24 November 2017)

I know what I want and he can't give it to me but I'm so drawn to him.
(24 November 2017)

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