Saturday 25 November 2017

I sleep naked…

because it makes it so easy to masturbate in the morning when my cock is at it’s hardest. Oh and I enjoy just being naked anyway. Afterall, everybody is doing everything naked these days, from dat_ Lauryn:If not what would the average girl think of a guy after asking her out?(24 November 2017) Lauryn:Would the girl start [...]

Should I get a plan B pill just in case or are we worried for nothing?
(22 November 2017)

I did not feel any pulsating and normally it would be a bit messier but when he pulled out there wasn t alot of fluid; maybe none at all.
(22 November 2017)

He said it had felt weird and was very worried.
(22 November 2017)

We have no interest in having a child currently and suddenly he went very still, saying he wasn t sure if he just came.
(22 November 2017)

My husband and I were having sex this morning.
(22 November 2017)

Should I leave GF?
(22 November 2017)

She was really loving and kind and the perfect and suddenly escapes and ignores me for week leaving me to think she was mad at me or moved on.
(22 November 2017)

Age Of Consent In North Carolina? Girl is 16 boy is 20?
(22 November 2017)

I'm homeless but I don't want to stay with family?
(22 November 2017)

I've stayed with family before temporarily and I was being taken advantage of, controlled like a puppet, people were whispering and talking behind my back in front of my face, my stuff was getting stolen and the list goes on.
(22 November 2017)

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