Monday 27 November 2017

In and Out of Bed

While I know this is billed as strictly a sex site , I also know many of us really are interested in knowing one another outside of sex too…so… Two simple questions:#1Outside of the bedroomIf you_ Milissa:I m tired of dealing with it I have to walk on eggshells with everything that I do, he basically [...]

I worry because he has gotten skinny.
(24 November 2017)

And that he'll eat once this feeling passes.
(24 November 2017)

He told my mom that my sister made him feel like he wasnt a good enough dad to us as kids.
(24 November 2017)

My sister and him got into a bad fight three days ago and since then he has shut down.
(24 November 2017)

His parents passed away 9 & 2 years ago.
(24 November 2017)

My dad seems to always get depressed towards the holiday times especially christmas.
(24 November 2017)

Is 104 88 95 ok?
(24 November 2017)

Should i go to my 5 year high school reencounter by my self?
(24 November 2017)

Girlfriend on dating websites a day after 8 month break-up?
(24 November 2017)

I am 29 and she is 27. How would you take this if you saw it?
(24 November 2017)

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