Monday 6 November 2017

kerala adult community …

Post hot stuff here …._ Farah:So I had an idea to search my name under her Facebook friends and I saw all the people with the same name as me and a few nights later I look again and there are more people with my name.(3 November 2017) Farah:So I get why it was denied unless it [...]

He said this calms his nerves down.
(4 November 2017)

How do I get my friend to stop taking unflattering photos of me?
(4 November 2017)

Getting tired of saying no just to be told I don't have a choice.
(4 November 2017)

It's super annoying and borderline creepy.
(4 November 2017)

He had NO sense the concept autonomy WHATSOEVER cause he'll ask of he can get a picture and if I kindly say no he'll do something childish like cram me into a corner to take one.
(4 November 2017)

Each time we hang out he wants new pics.
(4 November 2017)

I'm not dumb lmao So to be nice I took a few pictures with his phone for him to have on there but he STILL insists on taking more pics of me.
(4 November 2017)

I mean I'm not stupid I know he's using them to either jerk off with or to show around town to other people to make sure I'm no a slut before he tries to hit it.
(4 November 2017)

I mean he's a nice guy and I know him enough to know he means no harm but it's annoying cause EVERY SINGLE TIME we meet for drinks or whatever he wants a picture of me.
(4 November 2017)

I guess the best answer would be to just stop being friends with him.
(4 November 2017)

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