Monday 13 November 2017

My ideal GB number?

My friend and I were having a discussion/debate last night on what would be the ideal number of men to have at a gangbang but couldn’t agree on what would be the perfect number.From my perspective I_ Leatrice:We continued to talk through the whole game we talked about the game and stuff and eventually we ended [...]

She fits my description of what my ideal woman is due to her mature personality and intelligence.
(10 November 2017)

She just started working there about two weeks ago.
(10 November 2017)

There's this girl that I really like at work.
(10 November 2017)

Do you think Summer Park is a creative name?
(10 November 2017)

Two syllables for first name, one for last name.
(10 November 2017)

I don't have a middle name because Koreans usually don't.
(10 November 2017)

When I tell people about this, they think I'm just joking, but that's really my name.
(10 November 2017)

My parents decided to be clever, I guess, and named me Summer Park.
(10 November 2017)

I'm Korean, and Park(pronounce pak) is a very common Korean surname.
(10 November 2017)

My boyfriend and Cousin having a thing?
(10 November 2017)

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