Thursday 9 November 2017

Pandora’s Pretty Little Box

According to wikipedia “Pandora’s Box” is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora’s creation in Hesiod’s Works and Days. The “box” was actually a large jar (πίθος pithos) g_ Eleonora:After she found out the keyring was missing she called me to ask if I took it, I told her yes and she [...]

And I'm not being conceited by saying that either.
(6 November 2017)

Both him and I will just be chilling at home during the day, but as soon it becomes night time he invites me over.
(6 November 2017)

Also, when we both have a day off from work, he only sees me at night.
(6 November 2017)

He always says he's going to try harder but it never happens.
(6 November 2017)

I've brought this up to him a bunch of times and I tell him that I wish that he would start planning things to do.
(6 November 2017)

The whole month of October I planned Halloween Horror Nights, Knotts Scary Farm and a halloween party.
(6 November 2017)

I always have to plan activities for us to do.
(6 November 2017)

If he does it is usually going to places we always the movies or the mall.
(6 November 2017)

My boyfriend barely plans anything.
(6 November 2017)

We've been together for almost a year and a half.
(6 November 2017)

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