Thursday 9 November 2017

Pandora’s Pretty Little Box

According to wikipedia “Pandora’s Box” is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora’s creation in Hesiod’s Works and Days. The “box” was actually a large jar (πίθος pithos) g_ Eleonora:After she found out the keyring was missing she called me to ask if I took it, I told her yes and she [...]

We basically talked like a whole weekend over text.
(6 November 2017)

We talked more about each others feelings.
(6 November 2017)

The next day we flirted a lot over text, and I made her happy.
(6 November 2017)

Then she asked how I felt about her, and my friend told me to just tell her straight up, which I did, and we talked more after that and we both seemed happy.
(6 November 2017)

She asked me if I liked her, and I said yes as a prank, but the same time as not.
(6 November 2017)

Throughout that night I kind of stopped pranking because our conversation got deep.
(6 November 2017)

About days ago, I decided to prank her about liking her, which I really did like her.
(6 November 2017)

So, i ve known this girl for a about 5 years now.
(6 November 2017)

My sister is a cruel person. Would I be irresponsible to allow my kids at my Mom's for Thanksgiving since my sister will be there?
(6 November 2017)

She is 24. My kids want to go to Grandma's for Thanksgiving and I so far refuse cause my sister is there.
(6 November 2017)

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