Friday 10 November 2017

things that bounce

boobs & balls_ Annie:How can I tell my fiance that his weight is making me not attracted to him?(7 November 2017) Annie:But I feel like this is a HUGE problem that needs to be fixed before we actually get married.(7 November 2017) Annie:I really do love him and I want what is best for him.(7 November 2017) Annie:We don’t [...]

If it's a boy she wants to name him Lincoln James.
(7 November 2017)

Me and my wife are having a baby next summer.
(7 November 2017)

My best friend is seriously extremly pretty. And uh I kind of want her nudes.. I just have no clue how to get them?
(7 November 2017)

Should I try using a burner or what?
(7 November 2017)

Help! Why does he stare if he said this?
(7 November 2017)

How do i get out of an abusive home?
(7 November 2017)

Im suppose to be starting a 6 month college and even tho its not that long, im just so depressed and angry all the time, i just want to forget about college and get a job now and move out, but im not sure if ill be able to do it being a waitress.
(7 November 2017)

I dont want to call the cops or anything because i smoke weed and they will tell the police.
(7 November 2017)

I dont know what to do anymore and i just feel like im never going to get out.
(7 November 2017)

I have no where to go, and i dont make enough money to move out.
(7 November 2017)

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