Sunday 26 November 2017

Walk a mile in someone’s shoes

Recently I was reminded that one should not be so quick to judge others. While we are all on this site for our own reasons, let’s never forget that everyone is still an individual, a person, and that_ Kallie:Ive been dating this guy for about 4 months now but lately, hes just been so busy and [...]

Ok so my bf and I were both virgins.
(23 November 2017)

My family is not cooking turkey for thanksgiving?
(23 November 2017)

If I i am then how do I change this attitude for this dinner and try to enjoy it?
(23 November 2017)

Am I being irrational or is it them?
(23 November 2017)

Is it okay for me to react like this?
(23 November 2017)

They re not going all out like a lot of people and do, theyre just going to cook something normal and consider that thanksgiven.
(23 November 2017)

And I am a really dissapointed that they are not making a turkey.
(23 November 2017)

And in my opinion that's not enough to be in a relationship with someone and now he doesn't talk about it anymore, so did I ruined this thing before it even starts or what?
(23 November 2017)

Do I look pregnant?
(23 November 2017)

My belly recently starting to grow.
(23 November 2017)

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