Monday 27 November 2017

Wednesday’s Sexiness

Some nude pics of me and some sexy ladies for you to enjoy!_ Fran:She hooked me up with a guy but didn t tell me he has a girlfriend, and when i asked why she said she forgot to tell me.(26 November 2017) Fran:It s only now that i realize that she consciously pushes me in bad [...]

However, my personal decisions somehow get attacked?
(24 November 2017)

I don't care who black men date.
(24 November 2017)

Do they just want to see black women single and unhappy?
(24 November 2017)

My mom abuses me.what sholud i do?
(24 November 2017)

Okay so my mom will verbly and phisycsl abuse me.she will call me bad words and she will whip me and hit me with things and shove me into things and will pull me by my hair.
(24 November 2017)

What to do when I accidentally send my crush a message clearly meant for someone else?
(24 November 2017)

I already apologized profusely but he hasn't responded so do I just leave it like how it is?
(24 November 2017)

Now I'm indescribably embarrassed but I kind of think it's funny so what would you think?
(24 November 2017)

What to do 60 year old mom who can t take care of her self?
(24 November 2017)

I haven t had much sleep these last few days.
(24 November 2017)

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