Sunday 5 November 2017

What a beautiful state we live in

[image] I love California it has everything, from mountains to oceans to the desert which most of southern California is. I have traveled quite a bit when i was married and while there are some beau_ Vernice:Could I be pregnant please advice?(2 November 2017) Vernice:What are the chances of being pregnant I took two tests one 7 [...]

I am going to her moms house in a couple hours. should I bring a condom just incase?
(2 November 2017)

I'm a bit nervous to see my girlfriend naked.
(2 November 2017)

We both want to see each other naked.
(2 November 2017)

My girlfriend, Audrey asked if I wanted to spend the night with her, and I said sure.
(2 November 2017)

My girlfriend and I have tomorrow off school.
(2 November 2017)

If your girlfriend testified against you in a murder trial would you break up with her?
(2 November 2017)

Should I have separate social media for people I work with?
(2 November 2017)

But I don't need them finding out about my politics.
(2 November 2017)

My co workers want me on Facebook.
(2 November 2017)

What are the chances that this girl is into me?
(2 November 2017)

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