Wednesday 8 November 2017

Words From A Life . . .

. . . . . .Story In Progress. First can I say that any and all ‘maybes and perhaps’ aside it would appear I am back open, though, appearances can be deceiving can they not ? [image] It did make me fe_ Myrta:So this guy I’ve been talking to said he could come over if I [...]

She doesn't like to text but there are other forms of communication nowadays and she doesn't initiate those as well.
(5 November 2017)

I could be overreacting from this but I just don't want to seem annoying to her.
(5 November 2017)

I know for a fact she likes me and wants something meaningful with me but this me initiating everything can be really annoying to me.
(5 November 2017)

I don't mind doing this but after awhile, I get this sense that I am the only one putting forth effort into this.
(5 November 2017)

She does make time to see me but it seems like for the most part that in order for me to talk to her, I have to initiate.
(5 November 2017)

My girlfriend is scared to have sex.
(5 November 2017)

So what does she mean by it's going too fast when we kind of did everything?
(5 November 2017)

Now today she says its going too fast.
(5 November 2017)

Met again, coffee, chat, walk, holding hands, then hugs, then kisses, then I receieved great head and she took the lot down.
(5 November 2017)

A girl I met by chance at a cafe in passing and exchanged whatsapps.
(5 November 2017)

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