Wednesday 6 December 2017

a bottle of wine and glasses for two

I saw you and i fell from a distant star captured in what may be a dream in a fantasy of erotic desires. I could feel you and smell you so close and near it drove me to burn inside to let go in sweet_ Dyan:When we once stopped talking she removed her picture until this [...]

I don't even think about the hot guy much when I'm at home or with my boyfriend just when I'm in work.
(4 December 2017)

I also have a boyfriend who I love and have been with for nearly 3 and half years.
(4 December 2017)

I recently started a new job for six months and there's a really hot guy in work who I secretly have a crush on as he is so hot and really funny.
(4 December 2017)

I want to be a dad and people are insulting me for it. Why?
(4 December 2017)

Why on Earth are people trashing me when I WANT to adopt a girl and be a great dad to her?
(4 December 2017)

I want to be a great male role model to a girl, yet I'm the one who deserves to be insulted.
(4 December 2017)

What upsets even more about this is that you constantly hear about men abandoning their kids and pretty much every father is generalized with them.
(4 December 2017)

I long to be a great dad to a daughter, yet people have been insulting me and harassing me for it.
(4 December 2017)

For the past couple of days, I've been asking several questions about adopting a daughter.
(4 December 2017)

I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed staying with soon to be in laws. How can I cope?
(4 December 2017)

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