Saturday 2 December 2017

Freaky Friday - a little more hard core

[image][image2][image3][image4][image5]_ Tammy:Who was in the wrong here, me for trying to chat with random people and be friendly, or them for acting like I didn’t exist?(2 December 2017) Tammy:I don’t mind getting turned down, I do mind being treated like I’m not even there.(2 December 2017) Tammy:Like, really, not one single effing person in the entire building said [...]

So me being realistic about it shouldn't be scowled upon should it?
(29 November 2017)

You have a full-time job, bills, sleepless nights with taking care of children, a wife to support and satisfy, a house to up-keep, lawn-work, time to set aside to take her out on a special date and buy her nice stuff.
(29 November 2017)

They think I am an outsider and it's unchristian to say such things, but come on guys let's be realists here.
(29 November 2017)

Why spend your energy on that when you could spend it on the one person who does appreciate it?
(29 November 2017)

That's what they remember and what they care about.
(29 November 2017)

All the efforts you make to help them get pushed aside for the one thing you did wrong.
(29 November 2017)

I will help here and there, but my efforts are gonna be spent on my future family.
(29 November 2017)

Not jeapordizing it trying to make other people happy when they will just be ungrateful like they have always been.
(29 November 2017)

To me, my main goal is making sure my marriage lasts.
(29 November 2017)

My gf who will be my wife in near future has seen people constantly bend over backwards and stress themselves out constantly for others and i have seen even more of it than she has with my own.
(29 November 2017)

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