Friday 8 December 2017

How can you wake me up on a Monday? (New photo)

I have to honestly confess that I am not a morning person….especially not a Monday morning person….yawn But…..if you wake me up like this…I’m sure I would have a wonderful start to the day…[_ Stacia:Does this mean he still likes me?(5 December 2017) Stacia:I ended up being a bad girlfriend and cheating on him with his friend. [...]

What does it usually mean when a guy is overly persistent in trying to meet after I said not yet?
(6 December 2017)

It almost seems like overly persistent and interested and begging sometimes to hangout that day when I already said no.
(6 December 2017)

What does this sound like his intentions are?
(6 December 2017)

He wants me to meet him at a computer lab and teach me how to play a video game too.
(6 December 2017)

It genuinely seems like a friend interest.
(6 December 2017)

It's also very strange that he doesn't seem to be romantically insterested..he never complimented me or asks me anything about myself..he talks about himself a lot and sometimes doesn't text back answers to my questions.
(6 December 2017)

He wants to go to coffee or get food with me.
(6 December 2017)

Now that I gave in and started talking I told him I don't want to meet so soon. hes not listening to that and keeps inviting me everyday to meet him.
(6 December 2017)

I ignored him for a yr while he kept sending msgs every months saying hi.
(6 December 2017)

What can i do to make my wife work?
(6 December 2017)

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