Sunday 10 December 2017

Something I Saw Recently

I’m not sure who this quote belongs to, but I liked it.You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.NSDK_ Monet:Its been about 6 months now and he’s still unable to get over it.(6 December 2017) Monet:He was very upset at me but we still decided to make things work.(6 [...]

I am trying to hide my bump so I sometimes have my sweater open.
(7 December 2017)

So I'm 18 weeks pregnant (4 months) and I live where it's around 40-45 degrees F outside (probably colder at night). I have to walk home to and from school when it's pretty cold maybe 30-something-40 degrees and i don't have a jacket.
(7 December 2017)

Does Jensen Jenkins sound too much the same for a baby boys name?
(7 December 2017)

I really love the boy name Jensen but I feel like it doesn t go with our last name, Jenkins.
(7 December 2017)

Talking to an instagram girl?
(7 December 2017)

Should I go through my friend or just DM the girl on instagram and what do I say?
(7 December 2017)

I haven t talked the the (gay) guy from my class since last year but I really wanna meet his friend.
(7 December 2017)

My friend from class last year posted a pic with a girl who is really hot yesterday.
(7 December 2017)

Hurting a friend?
(7 December 2017)

Dumped girl today. She had been playing hard to get. Found out she's a slut. Anyone else had to dump guttersnipe who acts classy? Whore?
(7 December 2017)

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