Saturday 9 December 2017

Sounds Like A Plan

[Image]_ Daniele:Ok so honestly I watched this video on the childrens shows that dealt with serious issues and well they showed a clip of this episode where this little boy met a pedophile online.(6 December 2017) Minda:I’m in love with an experienced killer?!?(6 December 2017) Sierra:So how do i tell her in a way that will either make [...]

My bf and I have been together for almost 2 years now and we've lived wth his dad the whole time.
(6 December 2017)

Called a bum?
(6 December 2017)

I said you mom hoe and she kept saying it.
(6 December 2017)

So there is this girl in my class she s new to the school and she called me a bum like three times today.
(6 December 2017)

Would you keep seeing a girl who has just found out she has an STI?
(6 December 2017)

What should I say - would you be discouraged from seeing me any further?
(6 December 2017)

I don't know if HE was the one that gave me it or if I could've been infected from my ex cheating.
(6 December 2017)

I found out today that I actually have an STI - I'm obviously going to tell him as he will also have this infection but I don't know how to break it to him, will it make things awkward?
(6 December 2017)

Since then, my ex has told me that he cheated on me during our relationship.
(6 December 2017)

After we broke up I soon started seeing this guy (we've been on 5-6 dates and talk most days) I really like him but after having sex with him a few times I've felt like I had a urine infection, it stings and hurts down there a little bit so I got tested.
(6 December 2017)

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