Tuesday 5 December 2017

“Your kiss is on my list”

I was thinking about another blog, then this song, came to my head! I was thinking about how there are so many, sexual, sensual, erotic, romantic woman on here. I would love to, just grab you and kis_ Hedy:I just don’t understand why people do this.(2 December 2017) Marg:I had a one night stand with a married [...]

I have an appt on Tuesday but I m am so nervous.
(3 December 2017)

It s all so surreal but I still worried I did notice a tiny bit of brown spotting.
(3 December 2017)

Yesterday I took 6 pregnancy test (3 different brands) and they all came back positive.
(3 December 2017)

However as of yesterday my period was 3 days late.
(3 December 2017)

Hi everyone, my husband and I have been ttc for over a year and we had no luck.
(3 December 2017)

I haven't been with anyone sexually but noticing 1-2 bumps on my lip and on my inner lip , same amount?
(3 December 2017)

Me and the person I'm dating have never kissed on the lips before.
(3 December 2017)

I could have gotten something from a forehead kiss?
(3 December 2017)

I've never noticed or dealt with this in my life I'm just wondering what this could be?
(3 December 2017)

I don't have any paid or anything or blisters.
(3 December 2017)

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