Thursday 25 January 2018


nice_ Torri:My dad a week later said I couldn’t text him anymore.(23 January 2018) Torri:My best friend, who we used to talk all the time, hasn’t called me in a week and a half.About a month ago, He told me he had feelings for me, but we both agreed that it was best to be friends at [...]

He would become very angry at others for example slight things like if a driver bypassed him or someone didn't return his Hello.
(22 January 2018)

Early on he showed signs of uncontrolled anger but I did ignore them.
(22 January 2018)

Hi, I am a 30 years old female. 8 months ago I met a guy who was very charming and started dating him.
(22 January 2018)

I feel like I have no social skills, help?
(22 January 2018)

The problem with me is that sometimes I don't know what to say, my mind blinks completely.
(22 January 2018)

I'm not shy or anything like that, i'm also good at listening to someone.
(22 January 2018)

Should i tell my boyfriend i won t marry him because of his past?
(22 January 2018)

About a month ago he confessed that he also had sex with a transexual ... He gave me no details but i can t get over it for some reason.
(22 January 2018)

I found out in the start of my relationship that my bf had gay experiences , and after a while i accepted it and we moved on.
(22 January 2018)

I come from a very traditional family.
(22 January 2018)

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