Thursday 11 January 2018

Fins To The Left, Fins To The Right……

Whole lot of bait in the water here….I see the blogs from the guys that wonder about the “real” women….like, where the heck are they?…no responses from anyone, obviously fake profiles…..oh, an_ Lorine:I feel really depressed. I’ve had a good life overall but within the past few months I just somewhat want to stop existing?(8 January [...]

It has almost been a year and they are at college now an hour apart.
(9 January 2018)

They started dating halfway through their senior year and are still dating.
(9 January 2018)

I have a friend to eneded a serious 4-year relationship and 6 months later started dating another person.
(9 January 2018)

Can i ask my girlfriend if she's a psycho?
(9 January 2018)

If he acts like this what does it mean?
(9 January 2018)

How would you respond if you found this?
(9 January 2018)

While you both do some similar things together, it was quite obvious, they did some pretty kinky things together.
(9 January 2018)

They described some things they used to do together, including some pretty sexual things.
(9 January 2018)

If you have been living with someone for the last couple years, and while cleaning out old boxes and files together, there was a box of old love letters from their previous relationships.
(9 January 2018)

Hi i am 16 I have the suspicion that my girlfriend could be pregnant. I have a few reasons if anyone could talk to me that would be amazing?
(9 January 2018)

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