Saturday 27 January 2018

Gimme a bucket of ice for my pink bits - STAT!

I jest saw this young man’s profile whilst perusing the local Australian male talent on this dick and ballz morgue we like to call “Meelp”. To protect the identity of the women he has (ouch! ow! arrr_ Lurlene:Sometimes if I don t get a refill quick enough I will take a 40 mg vyvance instead.(25 January [...]

I just saw a TV show about teen suicide.
(23 January 2018)

Do you honestly think I'm capable of finding love?
(23 January 2018)

Also besides the question asked above, what's wrong with me?
(23 January 2018)

While I'm cool with the football players, skaters etc I tend to hang out with people who bully me and say I'm ugly even beat me up because I've known them the longest and they're the only people who would actually accept me.
(23 January 2018)

My mom said I don't have much self esteem and that it's sad but I just expect the worst of myself.
(23 January 2018)

I do have an older Mexican woman coming on the weekend to see me which might turn into something fun and exciting.
(23 January 2018)

I actually got this cute Asian girls number late December but she ghosted on me but that's life.
(23 January 2018)

Without sounding like a raging misogynist I looked through the pictures on my phone and I've got quite a few of me with (no offense) some girls and older women who could really get it.
(23 January 2018)

How high are the chances of me getting pregnant?
(23 January 2018)

Hi, I had a unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the 10th day of my cycle (my cycles are regular 26 or 27 days). My boyfriend ejaculated inside of me.
(23 January 2018)

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