Saturday 27 January 2018

Gimme a bucket of ice for my pink bits - STAT!

I jest saw this young man’s profile whilst perusing the local Australian male talent on this dick and ballz morgue we like to call “Meelp”. To protect the identity of the women he has (ouch! ow! arrr_ Lurlene:Sometimes if I don t get a refill quick enough I will take a 40 mg vyvance instead.(25 January [...]

We wrote letters to each other all the time during our relationship.
(23 January 2018)

Write him a letter apologizing for the things I said and did and tell him about the changes in my life before proposing a fresh start.
(23 January 2018)

Which of these options should I choose to increase my chances of him accepting my offer (after following the thirty day no contact rule): A.
(23 January 2018)

This has been a real wakeup call for me, and I would like to ask him in a few weeks if we could just start over and give our relationship one last shot.
(23 January 2018)

He has not blocked me on anything, but he has asked me to not make contact with him anymore because he is very angry about the situation.
(23 January 2018)

He got sick of the drama and broke up with me a few weeks ago.
(23 January 2018)

We really, really loved each other, but I unfortunately said some respectful things to him about his family.
(23 January 2018)

We had promise rings and were saving up for a wedding that was to take place next year.
(23 January 2018)

Long story short, my ex and I were together for over a year.
(23 January 2018)

I always go to school with one crutch tommorow im going with two im so scared?
(23 January 2018)

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