Monday 1 January 2018

Let’s start the day with “Awwwwww…..”

Meet Skippy, the unusual-looking lamb born without its own wool coat.The young sheep was “completely abandoned” by its mother when it was born on a farm in the Wiltshire village of Chilton Foliat,_ Florida:I just really need to forget that incident didn’t happen but I can’t let it go.(31 December 2017) Florida:It’s like I don’t feel like [...]

I could theorize that men back in the wild would go out and harvest and hunt food for their woman, and that could be a biological cause.
(29 December 2017)

But, nearly every woman i overhear or meet, they talk about something to eat, talk about ''delicious food'', and sit down with friends and eat food.
(29 December 2017)

I'm not trying to degrade or stereotype woman because I am friends with a few girls that will find more interests than food.
(29 December 2017)

Everyone loves food, I do as well, but why do more women seem to be more obsessed with this than men?
(29 December 2017)

Breastfeeding and no af?
(29 December 2017)

I have taken 4 hpt ( crazy i know lol) and all are negative ( really dont think i am) i read its normal to get a period while ebf only to have AF not visit for another few months?
(29 December 2017)

I had my first pp period last month.
(29 December 2017)

Does anyone else find guys in dresses hot?
(29 December 2017)

Why are these men asking me for sex?
(29 December 2017)

These men dont want to court, just lay up and have sex- nothing else.
(29 December 2017)

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