Tuesday 16 January 2018

Separated (6)

Monday was 6 months in the apartment and today is 7 months separated. I had to push myself to write that so I guess it’s about time to stop counting and start dating…Any volunteers? lolAs I bu_ Albina:Is a cheek kiss inappropriate?(14 January 2018) Lu:Boyfriend never has time for a relationship should I move on?(14 January 2018) Lu:I [...]

I am the at the top of my class, so most people think that I'm a really boring person, but I'm not like that.
(14 January 2018)

Hey, so I've finished my mid-terms, and, right now, I'm really bored in the vacation.
(14 January 2018)

I never had a girlfriend,but I wish to marry.Are there bad girls like there are bad men?The diff. in quality of men vary greatly,women same?
(14 January 2018)

Or are girls naturally more innocent(good wife & mother),so can't be that bad as long as I have one.
(14 January 2018)

When does the 9 month pregnancy start after having sex with intent to get pregnant?
(14 January 2018)

I know it takes 3 weeks or so to see a positive pregnancy test, is that the start of the 9 months like from that day forward I am on day 1 of 9 months or does day 1 start the moment we have sex?
(14 January 2018)

If I had sex with my husband and he came inside of me so I could get pregnant, how long after that point would the 9 month pregnancy time frame start.
(14 January 2018)

Middle names for the baby name Iris,?
(14 January 2018)

Why am I still feeling so bad after my husband and I had a big row the other night?
(14 January 2018)

How should I handle this situation cause I know when he gets released he will blame me that he got arrested.
(14 January 2018)

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