Thursday 25 January 2018

These people in Victoria BC, via news ……

…… Acting like children or trying to be Barons, Dukes & whatever else this style of political or personal differences these people have. 5 year old children are more together than these folks fr_ Jana:Can i ask Katie if she doesn’t care that i ghosted her?(23 January 2018) Jana:She kept giving me mixed messages about whether she [...]

I have been working on breaking the ice but I don't know how to tell her how I really feel without coming off too strong.
(21 January 2018)

We have had conversations over text because she goes to another school.
(21 January 2018)

I have a crush on this girl because she is so sweet and easy to talk to.
(21 January 2018)

I know you can't really see it but does it look like she does?
(21 January 2018)

(Ladies only)... How can a guy express his desire for you without being creepy?
(21 January 2018)

And it doesn't bother me if I don't get her.
(21 January 2018)

And yes, I know that you should always just focus on getting to know her by listening to what she says with genuine interest, and not getting into her pants.
(21 January 2018)

I know that expressing sexual interest in a woman in of itself isn't creepy, I just wanna get a few perspectives from real women on how to avoid showing it too much.
(21 January 2018)

Please note that I'm not trying to be rude. :) How much sexual intent is too much, at least during the first interaction?
(21 January 2018)

Why do Republicans hate Muslims?
(21 January 2018)

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