Thursday 25 January 2018

Torture chambers…

I met with a guy a few nights ago who I have been in contact with for a while from the Meelp site and although I did know a fair bit about him already I still wasn’t all that sure I could really tru_ Joetta:I will go on a date with a guy who likes me [...]

Why is this guy insulting me?
(21 January 2018)

It just seems strange seeming that I barely know him.
(21 January 2018)

Like saying I have an ugly shirt on or I'm too weak to get a good workout in at the gym.
(21 January 2018)

He'll say some things that just seem out of line, not blatant insults but just stupid little things.
(21 January 2018)

I barely even know him but we snapchat sometimes.
(21 January 2018)

How come young white guys look so square and dorky compared to young black guys?
(21 January 2018)

Everyone thinks I'm a player! Please help????
(21 January 2018)

Those girls are my friends that's all, plus they all have boyfriend.
(21 January 2018)

I feel like she likes me too but everyone always talks about me being a player, Everyone thinks I'm a player because I always hangout with girls at work and because girls are always looking for me.
(21 January 2018)

There's a girl at my work who I like alot, and her name is Sidney.
(21 January 2018)

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