Wednesday 17 January 2018

when it does happen…

As loud as you always wanted.As hard as you hate your exAs filthy as your day has been shittyAs hot as your temperAs long as you can take itAll the words you want to say to your bossall the words that_ Lilian:She acts distant but then she acts close at the same time.(15 January 2018) Lorrine:My crush [...]

How do I put it into words simply.
(15 January 2018)

I have a diploma but I am back in school working towards a degree.
(15 January 2018)

How easy is it to play gigs at venues?
(15 January 2018)

Do places just let anyone who is good play?
(15 January 2018)

But my friend says this summer we can go around and play at venues and I have 0 experience with this.
(15 January 2018)

But were getting a real signer so that will be alright.
(15 January 2018)

I play in this band with my friends and besides the singing were pretty good.
(15 January 2018)

After divorce is the husband required to pay child support for not adopted step children?
(15 January 2018)

My girlfriend wants her and me to move out from my parents but I feel conflicted and empty because of it?
(15 January 2018)

I am so overwhelmed with all this and it's really taking it's toll on not just on me but my girlfriend as well.
(15 January 2018)

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