Monday 19 February 2018

***Beginning of the week funny***

Enjoy!!_ Leora:She might think if I dump him he will move back closer to the rest of his family.(15 February 2018) Leora:And she mentioned a woman asking if my boyfriend had slept with her, like she was trying to start a fight between me and him.(15 February 2018) Leora:But she visited us and kept talking about other people [...]

I told her that making her happy was enough of a gift for me.
(14 February 2018)

Later she said she felt bad she didn't get me anything.
(14 February 2018)

She then hugged me, picked me up and carried me around and kissed my forehead.
(14 February 2018)

She also seemed a bit upset, but was thankful and happy with the gift.
(14 February 2018)

When I showed it to her she seemed surprised.
(14 February 2018)

I gave her a gift of candies, chocolate, brownies, bracelets, and a couple of small toys at school.
(14 February 2018)

Mainly cause if I did get anything i don't think I'd have anywhere to put it.
(14 February 2018)

I'm ok with her getting me nothing.
(14 February 2018)

I had sex on jan 10th, i then took a plan b pill later on in the day, and received a normal period 13 days earlier(jan14th) than its expected time.
(14 February 2018)

If he hasn't done anything to approach me knowing this the whole time, is it safe to say he's not into me?
(14 February 2018)

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