Sunday 11 February 2018

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GGGGo 0/\/////////////// ~&~ 0/\////////////// ღ.[image1].FcKing till We’re SoaKeD .[image2].FcKing to thePoint of Dehydration & Fatigue..[image3].Rest…//-/eaLReJuvanate..[image4].FcKing TiLL ][T_ Shanika:In the past, I did not tell my male tenant that usually I work late and he always came back from work very late.(6 February 2018) Velda:But I just can t go around now telling her sweet words anymore, that [...]

We laughed and joked and I was forgetting the feelings that I felt previously that morning.
(7 February 2018)

We talked for a bit and I got to feel him out and see what kind of person he was.
(7 February 2018)

He came and sat with me and made sure that I was okay, which was strange to me because not only was I not used to that, but I am never one to search for that kind of attention and I am usually the one reaching out.
(7 February 2018)

About ten minutes passed before I look up and see him.
(7 February 2018)

One person there did not seem to stand out to me at first until I actually got to talk to them 1v1. After some time, the false confidence that I instilled in myself begins to melt away and I seclude myself to breathe for a minute.
(7 February 2018)

Once I finally got my courage up and went to talk to people, I went and socialized with people that seemed to be in my age group and I met some cool people.
(7 February 2018)

When I got to the place, seeing as how I have to force myself to talk to people, I stayed at a distance from a lot of people.
(7 February 2018)

I only went because I got a three day weekend and I had nothing better to do on that upcoming Saturday.
(7 February 2018)

Sometime back, I went to this event which at the time seemed to be against my better judgement.
(7 February 2018)

Best way to spend money?
(7 February 2018)

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