Saturday 24 February 2018

HNW - Good Sport

I haven’t been doing any sports for a while now and frankly, most sports require at least two or more people to engage in the activities, e.g. basketball, netball, badminton, tennis, etc, and it’s tou_ Maryalice:I even try to apologize when I get angry (I get angry rightfully when he’s mocking me and such) but he [...]

I been with her for a month if I would have wanted to do something bad to her family or leave her it would have been done by now.
(20 February 2018)

Now she said she doesn't trust me.
(20 February 2018)

This girl met a guy who her father didn't accept him then they broke up I guess then they got back together they killed her parents and young brothers.
(20 February 2018)

My girlfriend was watching a show called Copycat Killers they did a show about the movie Fear she's never seen it or heard of it now she's glad she's never seen it.
(20 February 2018)

Why won't my ex-boyfriend take down our picture?
(20 February 2018)

Why does he still have our picture up in his house?
(20 February 2018)

He recently admitted that he is a commitment phobe.
(20 February 2018)

He said he is no longer in love with me.
(20 February 2018)

My boyfriend broke up with me two months ago.
(20 February 2018)

How do I get my brother to use the toilet?
(20 February 2018)

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