Wednesday 7 February 2018

I’ve Been a Bad Girl….

I have a few posts rattling around that I haven’t gotten into pixels yet. Soon, sooooon_ Shenna:My Dad won’t talk about it so I have no one to talk to.(1 February 2018) Shenna:I dread Sunday cause I know how real the pain will be.(1 February 2018) Shenna:This hurts so much and all the sadness I felt that ruined [...]

Our work schedules didn't allow me to but in the future I will do the best I can.
(3 February 2018)

I'm thinking he may get annoyed having them around but recently he has said he wanted me more involved with his life.. like he coaches football and basketball and wanted me included in his siblings games and etc.
(3 February 2018)

We went out a few days ago to the bowling alley and his brothers were there and his nephew.
(3 February 2018)

I have a birthday coming up and I wanted to go to the zoo but wondering if I should include his brothers.
(3 February 2018)

I started focusing on me more so I'm not too bothered when we aren't interacting and texting or on the phone.
(3 February 2018)

I'm usually the one telling him he needs his rest.
(3 February 2018)

Recently he was saying he wanted to go out more but he has his brothers a lot and he works long shifts.
(3 February 2018)

We still make time for each other and he tried his best when it comes to us going out and ect.
(3 February 2018)

I'm used to it now so it doesn't bother me.
(3 February 2018)

At first it was harder to adjust because I don't know what it's like to have siblings for one and secondly I've noticed as we started dating long that he was involved with his siblings as if he's their father.
(3 February 2018)

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