Wednesday 21 February 2018

Sexual Bucket List?

A Sexual Bucket List? Fantasies you want to try and are always a go to when you are masturbating. I have some and I will share some with you. Maybe you can add to my list, give me some pointers, some_ Kiara:How do I help my wife?(18 February 2018) Kiara:I know she saved me but I still [...]

Now Call Me a Curios Cat if Ju Will, But I am IndiaAsia Roots & wanna know if BrownBlack Nipples and Manhood are attractive to Ladies?
(17 February 2018)

How to ask a girl out for the first time? Good first date ideas?
(17 February 2018)

And what's a good first date idea?
(17 February 2018)

Like what's a good way of saying it so that she knows it's a date, but doesn't get scared off.
(17 February 2018)

Now I've been talking to this girl for a bit and I like her and want to ask her out, baring in mind I've never asked anyone out before.
(17 February 2018)

Basically Im 18 and started college this year, and have tried expanding my social group.
(17 February 2018)

There is this friend I had from age 15 to age 32. She would invite me over when her family had cookouts, we would go shopping, together,?
(17 February 2018)

Is it worth a shot to try to send her a letter?
(17 February 2018)

In the last 7 years I've seen her a few places and she came over to talk to me.
(17 February 2018)

Now, I'm thinking I overreacted.
(17 February 2018)

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